Der Londoner Musiker Matt Maltese wechselt für sein drittes Album „Good Morning It’s Now Tomorrow“ (VÖ: 08.10.2021) die Seiten. Wo er früher dem drohenden Untergang ins Gesicht gestarrt und einen Weg gefunden hätte, sich über sich selbst lustig zu machen, weil er sich in seiner Dunkelheit sonnte, ist Maltese jetzt entschlossener denn je, auf das Morgen zu schauen und einen positiven Weg nach vorne zu finden.
“A lot of this [new] record is escapism,” erklärt Maltese über "Good Morning It’s Now Tomorrow", das er während des Lockdowns zwischen seinem Londoner Zuhause und den Echo Zoo Studios an der englischen Südküste geschrieben und aufgenommen hat. “I’ve had to find more meaning out of the small parts of life. I want this record to celebrate the theatre in all the small things. It’s so cheesy to say it, but I think life is best when you try to make the ordinary extraordinary.”
Dieser Wunsch, das Positive zu feiern und das Alltägliche zu romantisieren, zieht sich durch das gesamte Album. Die Songs erinnern an die Mühelosigkeit von Belle & Sebastians „If you’re feeling sinister“ und die wundervolle Skurrilität von Aldous Hardings „Designer“.
Die traurigsten Lieblingssongs von Matt Maltese.
Hem – Sailor
My friend Lauren showed me this song a few months back and it’s become a favourite. It has this sad Disney feel to it, but not too sad and not too Disney
Camera Obscura – Lloyd, Im ready to be Heartbroken
I run to this song, its perfect. Tracyanne Campbell, the lead singer, has this thick buttery voice, and is just lazy enough that she can sing the sweetest thing and make it sound good. Great band
A.A. Bondy – I can see the pines are dancing
My cousin just showed me this guy. Hes great and this song has an anthemic, noughties, pastoral, indie quality to it that would sound too evergreen if it was released in 2021, butworks as a wonderful relic of the past. Maybe this song came out recently though and im being an idiot
Men I Trust – Tree Among Shrubs
What can I say other than yes and yes to this band. So many good songs and this is one of them. Also their rhythm section always sounds crème de la crème. Yes.
Amaarea, Moliy – SAD GURLZ LUV MONEY
Kali Uchis just did a remix which will probably betake over the world, but the original takes the crown for me. A sad song you’d play in the club to feel less sad
Mojave 3 – Love Songs On The Radio
A relaxing slice of bliss. Bands with a number in their name are usually really good
Erasmo Carlos – Gente Aberta
I think this is maybe one of the only times Bongos are ok. Such a charming melody, always puts you in the right mood. I swear you could be on an airplane about to crash and this song would make it seem fine
Lee Hazlewood – My Autumns Done Come
Goes on every playlist I’ve ever made. One of my favourite songs of all time.. a stunning, silly, peaceful 4 minutes. Thanks Lee
Jon Brion – Over Our Heads
If I never had parents and could pick someone to adopt me, it’d be Jon. Songwriter of all songwriters, sounds like every indie film I’ve ever watched – probably because he scored all of them
J. Dilla – Time: The Donut of the Heart