Dass Sarah Walk mit ihrer Meinung nicht hinterm Berg hält, sich offen gegen das Patriachat stellt und kalte Blicke auf die institutionalisierte Männerdomäne wirft, beweist sie immer wieder aufs Neue - so auch auf ihrem aktuellen Album "Another Me".
„I wanted to make a point early on with this record that there is a lot that women feel and experience outside of what exists in their romantic relationships”, fasst Sarah Walk ihr Zweitwerk zusammen.
Das von Leo Abrahams (Regina Spektor, Belle and Sebastian, Paul Simon, Pulp, David Byrne, Brian Eno) produzierte Album handelt von Herausforderungen mit denen Frauen im Alltag konfrontiert werden. Thematiken die sich auch auf ihr Songwriting auswirken - “many of which deal with burdens that I’ve carried or felt responsible for, which I believe has a lot to do with being a woman and being queer”.
Seien es nun Dinge wie sich schuldig zu fühlen, wenn man sich mit einem klaren „nein“ positioniert oder aber auch sich für Sachen zu entschuldigen, für die man nichts kann. Oder wie Sarah sagt: “This is an album about being marginalised, being a woman, learning how to set boundaries without apology and be confident without feeling guilty for it. Learning how to love wholly without expectation.”
Die Songs auf „Another Me“ sind eine selbstreflektive Reise durch eine Zeit voller persönlicher Umbrüche. Marginalisierung, Überleben, Frauenfeindlichkeit und Verletzlichkeit, die auf der Suche nach sich selbst helfen, prägen und stärken. Sie bricht mit sämtlichen forcierten Erwartungshaltungen und übertrifft diese dennoch mit ihrem tiefgreifenden Songwriting und der selbstbewussten Haltung einer starken Frau, die auch in emotionalem Trubel ganz genau weiß für was sie einsteht. “The songs on my first album were a means to survive the immediate, and my songs on this album have been a journey in learning how to take up space and thrive in the long term.”
“Another Me” erschien am 28.08.20 auf One Little Independent Records.
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Die traurigsten Lieblingssongs von Sarah Walk
Madison Cunningham - When Love Loves Alone
Madison is an absolute force of a songwriter and musician. Seeing her live is a truly spiritual experience, and I think this song is one of her best. She has a way of writing melodies that are so scattered and silky all at once, and I think the idea of love loving alone is absolutely brilliant.
The Western Den - Like You Do
This song is so beautiful and aching, and it just so happens that they are also two of my closest friends.
Nick Drake - Pink Moon
This song is the definition of melancholy to me. I love this entire album so much - it’s the kind of sad you keep wanting more of.
Sufjan Stevens - Mystery Of Love
damn, this song totally rips my heart out every time, probably because it takes me back to ‘call me by your name’ which absolutely destroyed me - I balled uncontrollably the entire drive home from the movie theater.
Radiohead - Pyramid Song
It wouldn’t be a sad playlist without some moody Radiohead! I’m such a sucker for anything with a flat 2 chord progression, and even more so when the time signature is a total mind fuck. This song baffled my little brain when I first heard it back in high school, and I spent so much time trying to decipher what time signature it was in - only to finally read online that it was actually in 4/4.
Jose Gonzalez - Heartbeats
I’ve always been such a huge fan of Jose’s - I love the softness of his classical guitar paired with the strong sense of rhythm his parts always have. There’s such a delicacy and warmth to his music.
Kings Of Convenience - Homesick
“homesick, cuz I no longer know where home is…” that lyric killed me. Basically sums up my entire life… always homesick and not knowing what for, exactly.
Fiona Apple - Love Ridden
This was one of the first songs I ever heard where I felt like it was okay to be an angry woman at the piano. It really changed me and gave me the validation I needed as a young writer. Fiona will always be the queen.
Bon Iver - Blood Bank
This song reminds me of winter in the midwest. I first heard this song when I was in high school and played it to death throughout that winter. Beautiful song with such a melancholy tone throughout.
Joni Mitchell - Woman Of Heart & Mind
“I am a woman of heart and mind, with time on her hands, no child to raise…. You come to me like a little boy, and I give you my scorn and my praise…” Absolutely heartbreaking and brilliant… Only Joni could come up with that as a song opening lyric, something so dense and sparse, so lonely and hopeful all wrapped into one line.