What Did You Want To Be? - so heißt das aktuelle Album des britischen Musikers Tom Williams, der, wenn er nicht im Studio oder auf Tour ist, als Musik- und Gitarrenlehrer arbeitet. Und genau dort läuft ihm diese Frage immer wieder über den Weg. What did you want to be, also was wolltest du mal werden, ist das, was seine Schüler von ihm wissen wollen. "Ich glaube wenn Kinder diese Frage stellen, dann heißt das für sie so viel wie, ging dein Plan auf? Ist das, was du jetzt gerade machst, das was du immer schon machen wolltest? Sie wollen wissen, ob sie das auch schaffen können." Für Williams der perfekte Titel für sein Album und die Themen, die er auf diesem bearbeitet - Mental Health und seine Erwartungen an das Erwachsenwerden.
Das Album, das von Tim Rice-Oxley, dem Sänger der Band Keane, in dessen Studio in Sussex produziert wurde, kommt erstmal als klassische, aber dennoch überzeugende Songwriter Platte daher. Nichts schlimmes daran. Hin und wieder muss man unweigerlich an Bruce Springsteen oder The War On Drugs denken. Relativ schnell merkt man aber, dass da mehr ist. Das Album ist extrem vielseitig und hält mit "Stay Afloat" und "Early Morning Rain" kleine Britpop-Perlen im Rialto Stil und mit "Crying At The TV" eine coole Rocknummer bereit. "What Did You Want To Be?" ist der perfekte Soundtrack für lange Autofahrten auf leeren Autobahnen oder den Sonntagnachmittag auf dem Balkon. -Martin
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1. Bruce Springsteen - Downbound Train
My first love, I was first introduced to Bruce at the age of about 4 or 5, driving in the car with my mum who was a huge fan and had Born In The USA on cassette. This has always been a personal favourite. It doesn't get much better than, 'Now I work in the carwash, where all it ever does is rain. Don't you feel like a rider on a downbound train?'
2.Phoebe Bridgers - Scott Street
I've been late to Phoebe Bridgers but have been really loving the Better Oblivion Community Centre record that came out more recently. Scott Street for me is the real standout on Stranger In The Alps though. From the first chords, the atmosphere of the song hits you round the head and you know what you're in for. The lyrics are constantly clever and playful as is the arrangement. I love the drums coming in in verse 2 when she asks someone, 'how's playing drums?'
3. Bob Dylan - You're Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go
It's weird this one because musically it's quite upbeat, but it's the optimism of the music and most of the lyric that seems to offset the emotional crush of the final line of each verse, '...you're gonna make me lonesome when you go' love it.
4. Martha Wainwright - Bloody Mother Fucking Asshole
Written about her dad Loudon and premiered on stage when touring with him. I love the story that Loudon was watching the show from the wings and assumed it was about Martha's partner who was playing in her band at the time. As the guy came off stage, Loudon said to him, 'Hey that's pretty rough, that new song about you' and the guy said, 'It's about you!' haha.
5. Margo Price - All American Made
A beautifully melancholy about the perils and doom of pride, greed, capitalism, nationalism and war mongering. Margo Price seems to take out each pitfall in each new verse, this a totemic song and a perfect rainy Monday morning car ride soundtrack!
6. Cat Stevens - Trouble
This song is just about perfect. Cat Stevens has this also nursery rhyme-esque simplicity that just cuts so deep and hits so hard when the songs are as good as this and he's got more than a handful. The Father John Misty cover of this is also just brilliant.
7. Elliott Smith - Angeles
I couldn't make a miserable Monday playlist without including some Elliott Smith. As a 15-year-old I went on a particularly miserable two week long French exchange trip to Bordeaux. I had one Elliott Smith CD with me, 'Either/Or', but I also managed to buy two more in the Virgin Megastore in the city. I just spent the whole two weeks walking the streets in the rain with my headphones on listening to Elliott's voice and his perfect songs. Angeles sounds like the rain in Bordeaux!
8. Tobias Jesso Jr - How Could You Babe
Tobias Jesso Jr is probably best known now for writing, 'When We Were Young' by Adele which has now sold about 50 million records. He made this absolutely beautiful solo record probably about five years ago now, I really hope he releases something new soon because this whole album, 'Goon' was just brilliant.
9. Girls - Hellhole Ratrace
The main producer on the aforementioned, 'Goon' by Tobias Jesso Jr was Chet White previously of this band Girls. Girls were made up of Chet and main songwriter Christopher Owens who is a total genius. This is my favourite song off their perfect debut, 'Album'. If you know you know and if you don't, seek it out.
10. Joni Mitchell - River
Joni is a total genius and arguably more talented than the rest of Laurel Canyon put together. This is a melancholy masterpiece, a totem of torment, an explosion of escapism, you get the idea... It doesn't get much better than Joni, a piano and songs like these. 'I wish I had a river I could skate away on...'