53 – Pale Honey

Pale Honey, Credit: Jasmin Storch

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2017 haben wir das letzte Mal von dem schwedischen Duo Pale Honey gehört. Ihre Platte "Devotion" wurde damals verdient hochgelobt. Nun melden sich Nelly Daltrey und Tuva Lodmark mit einer kraftvollen Single zurück. „Set Me Free“ erschien am 04.10. und ist der Vorbote für ihr drittes Album, was im Februar 2020 kommen soll. Die Single ist musikalisch irgendwo zwischen leichter 80er Disco und traurigem 90er Indie - ganz Pale Honey like, dabei aber etwas wilder und weniger sphärisch, als bisher. Songwriterin und Gitarristin Tuva Lodmark erklärt: 

"To me, the song symbolizes the emotions following a recent break-up. I was pissed and bitter, and at the same time regretful and sad. There was also an energy in me that was about to explode. I couldn't be still, couldn't sit at home, I had to go out and constantly meet new people. Everything had to happen, and it needed to happen all at once. The danceable element of the song represents the stage in a separationwhere you're rediscovering yourself. Or simply going out into the night and not getting home until dawn."

"Set Me Free" macht definitiv Appetit auf das Album. Bis das erscheint, vergnügen wir uns doch einfach mit der Playlist der Band. – Martin


Die traurigsten Lieblingssongs von Pale Honey

Kashmir - Purple Heart

An upbeat song with wonderful lyrics and instrumentation from the Danish gods Kashmir. The whole album feels well written and marks a period of our lives of newfound love that does not always make you feel like you’re walking on clouds.

Radiohead - There, There 

The lines “just 'cause you feel it, doesn't mean it's there” is as comforting as it is frightening at the same time. Radiohead is also one of our absolute favourites over the years so of course we have to include a Radiohead song. 

Tom Waits - Come on up to the house

When life gets you down, having a beer at your local rundown pub with a drunken Tom Waits singing this song in the darkest corner of the room would be a dream. A heavenly dream. I think this song is about dying and that it’s OK. And that we need to cherish the fraction of time we have here. Or it’s just an excuse to throw in that magical voice of Tom Waits.

Julia Jacklin - Body

Amazing song, amazing lyrics. “I guess it's just my life, and it's just my body”. Our dear friend Alex showed us this song and it’s haunting.

Feist - I wish I didn’t miss you

You know it’s not rational, you’ve thought it through so many times. Will this feeling ever leave? Feist is truly an inspirational songwriter, she’s a genius. 

Yung Lean - Agony

Leandoer has been on heavy rotation in the tour van for years now. This one is perfect for the early morning drives when the sun is coming up or when the rain is pouring down the windows making the world feel heavy and tense.

CocoRosie - Lemonade

A very nostalgic feeling song that brings out the little kid inside of me. Time passes, but some memories and feelings are frozen as if nothing happened since. 

Little Dragon - Twice

This song’s been with us for many years now, still a masterpiece. One of our dreams is to tour alongside Little Dragon, in our opinion a perfect match ;))) We love how they’re so playful with their music. Ps. If you haven’t seen the video for this song, do it right away!

Eagles of Death Metal - Now I’m A Fool

This one falls within love or disappointment. It’s a sweet, naive song but a quite sad one well hidden in the playful sounds of Eagles of Death Metal.

Joanna Newsom - Baby Birch

A song that is not on Spotify but is no less magical for that. Her combined fragility and strength in this song is not to be taken lightly. She is a true force of nature behind her harp and her lyrics are wonderfully vivid and narrative.