Eine EP für den kommenden Frühling. Der in Berlin lebende Australier Jackson Dyer leitet mit “Sunseason” die bevorstehenden warmen Monate ein. Der Lichtblick am Ende eines in vielerlei Hinsicht dunklen Winters. Endlich!
Die fünf Songs der Platte sind wunderbar ausformulierter Indie-Folk. Mal eher soulig, mal Americana, aber immer so strahlend, dass man die Sonnencreme gern in Reichweite hätte.
Über die letzte Single „My Season“ sagt Dyer:
„Meiner Meinung nach repräsentiert dieser Sommer-Vibe und all diese weichen, eher lockeren Elemente von „My Season“ die ganze “Sunseason”-Produktion sehr gut – die ganze EP hat diesen luftigen, leichten und sorglosen Unterton mitschwingen, was sie von meinen vorherigen Veröffentlichungen schon sehr unterscheidet.”
Das stimmt durchaus. Das Album „Inlet“ aus dem Jahr 2019 ist experimentierfreudiger, musikalisch komplexer, vielleicht sogar etwas nachdenklicher. Aber warum nicht in schwierigen Zeiten ein paar Songs fürs Gemüt schreiben? „Sunseason“ ist genau das und tut richtig gut!
Die Playlist von Jackson Dyer
O Terno – Atrás / Além
O Terno have been one of favourite bands over the last few years, I’m such a big fan of vocalist Tim Bernardes’ smooth vocals and the old-school aesthetics of the band in general. I’ve had a bit of an obsession with Brazilian music over the last few years and the incredible emotion that Brazilian musicians over the generations have conveyed in their music. I love the smooth, Beatlesque bass lines of this song and the cadence of Bernardes’ vocal delivery. Atrás / Além is a song that I could put on, grab a drink and relax.
Bobby Caldwell – Open Your Eyes
Speaking of smooth vocals, Caldwell is amazing in this song. The epic 80’s production is so cheesy and driving that I keep on coming back to this song and basking in its glory. It’s got such an emotional but somehow upbeat atmosphere and really reflects how grooving Caldwell’s music is. An unexpected part of the track are the guitars, which shine throughout the track and have such an epic tone!
Moreton/ James Vincent McMorrow – See Yourself
Moreton are such an amazing Australian band. I love vocalist Georgia’s tone and her guitar work and I’ve been a huge fan of Moreton’s drummer Myka’s rhythms for years. I was incredibly lucky to have Myka in a session to play drums on my album Inlet and I’ve always been amazed by their skill. An added bonus to this beautiful ballad is James Vincent McMorrow
James Carroll Kirby – Wind
I think that I was initially drawn to this song because Kirby’s piano is so reminiscent of the renowned work Ethiopian pianist Emahoy Tsegué-Maryam Guèbrou, who’s honky keys are heard throughout Kirby’s song. However, I love how builds on this influence in the second half of this song and creates a beautiful, contemporary song with lovely synths and epiccccccc drum machine sounds. I’m sucker for a cheeky drum machine and that combined with his synth lines brings a smile to my face.
St Germain – Sure Thing
St Germain’s Tourist album has been one that has accompanied me on so many lovely moments of my life. My Aunty has an amazing taste in late 90’s/ noughties music, and used to play this album a lot to my cousins and me on road trips to the beach when we were kids. The Malian guitars are so lovely throughout the song and I find it amazing that this song could either be the most chilled Sunday morning track, or something that you could party to (or at least I could hahah) on a Saturday night.
Aretha Franklin – Day Dreaming
I think we all know how incredibly profound the music of Aretha Franklin is, but I “Day Dreaming” really showcases the calibre of her musicianship and that of the producers and session musicians that she worked with. This song is a rollercoaster of awesomeness and Aretha’s sultry vocals will be something that I think I’ll be enjoying throughout my life.
Jeff Buckley – Lover You Should’ve Come Over
Speaking of legends, Jeff Buckley’s album Grace has been a big influence on my music, and I think that “Lover You Should’ve Come Over” is the perfect song for a Miserable Monday. Jeff’s falsetto and incredibly emotional timbre really inspire me and show how moving music can be.
Free Nationals feat. Chronixx – Eternal Light
From first beat of this song, it has me nodding my head and imagining that I’m in a convertible driving somewhere down the West Coast of the US haha. It’s such a grooving song and the powerful bass, guitars and drums form the perfect rhythms for any occasion. Free National’s self-titled album is definitely one of my faves.
Fatoumata Diawara – Bakonoba
I remember seeing Fatoumata Diawara play in Sydney a looooong time ago before I moved to Berlin and being absolutely amazed by her stage presence and musicianship. It was one of the first time that I’d seen Malian guitarists play and I was mesmerised by their guitar work. “Bakonoba” is one of my favourites from Diawara’s album Fatou and I another track that I love to revisit time and time again.
Andy Schauf – Jaywalker
A bit more of a contemporary song, I love the guitars in this song and the overall production of this track and album. Andy Schauf has such an interesting voice and even more interesting lyrics and there’s something about the production in his tracks that is so engaging! This track is a jam and will hopefully make your miserable Monday less miserable, keep an ear out for the epic drum fill towards the end!