Neues aus dem Hause Bella Union (by the way ein Label worth checking out!). Am 12.06. erschien „Good News For Bad People” das Debut Album der Band Drab City.
Drab City sind auf soziale Entfremdung, gewalttätige Rache und (vielleicht) romantische Liebe als Erlösung fixiert. Themen, die in der Musik nicht neu sind, aber wenn man diese Platte im Jahr 2020 hört, ist man doch beeindruckt, wie ungewöhnlich sie geworden sind.
Textlich projizieren die Songs oft punkige Angst und Ressentiments. "Working For the Men" ist eine Rache-Ballade einer erniedrigten Servicemitarbeiterin, die sich männliche Peiniger vorstellt, die zu einem gewaltsamen Ende gebracht wurden. Andere Songs sind undurchsichtiger, scheinen aber davon zu sprechen, das schwarze Schaf der Familie zu sein oder von der Langeweile des Lebens in der Heimatstadt belastet zu werden. Beim flüchtigen Zuhören bemerkt man die Kraft des Inhalts jedoch möglicherweise nicht, da die Musik selbst alles andere als aggressiv ist. Verträumt und ätherisch. Flöte, Vibraphon und jazzige Gitarrenakkordmelodie. Die Platte hat keine Angst von Trip Hop, Dub, Hip-Hop und Dream-Pop alles miteinander zu verschmelzen – eine Flut von Referenzen der Popmusik des 20. Jahrhunderts, die sich in einem so schizophrenen Tempo neu kombinieren.
Der Gesamteffekt ist etwas, das nur in unserer rasenden Gegenwart beschworen werden kann. Die melodischen, einladenden Soundscapes sind zugleich eingängig und ungewohnt und ein trojanisches Pferd für die Sozialphobie der Band.
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Die traurigsten Lieblingssongs der Band Drab City
Donny Hathaway - A song for you
One night, maybe 12 years ago, I was sitting in a dirty single bedroom apartment in Paris. A city I fled to, my chest filled with hope for ridding myself of the crippling pain that had been dragging my life to hell. The room was completely dark except for the light of my sawing machine, which I was working on for homework, at 5 in the morning. My hands were tired and shaking, and I was crying, I felt lonely and hurt. I had the radio running in the background, and out of nowhere, Donny Hathaway’s voice started trembling through the speakers, the walls were crumbling under the strength of his voice and passion. I never, ever had been struck by a song this way, slaying my body in half. I remember the way I felt that day, 12 years ago, just by putting on this song. It frightens me. Every time I immediately fall to the feet of Donny, ready to sign with the devil for just another word coming from his lips.
Penny & the quarters - You & me
I can barely stand listening to this song it’s so painful. I discovered it in the movie “Blue Valentine” which is probably one of the most horrifying movies I have ever seen in my life. It is not a horror movie per se. Much worse. It’s a movie that slaughters your idea of LOVE and leaves you behind, like shattered pieces at a bus stop. All that happening while this painfully beautiful song is playing in the background. Horribly sad.
Billy Holiday - Strange Fruit
I just want to quote the lyrics of this song: Southern trees bear a strange fruit Blood on the leaves and blood at the root Black bodies swingin' in the Southern breeze Strange fruit hangin' from the poplar trees. Horrifyingly sad.
Bruce Springsteen - Born to run
In the song Devil Doll I wrote the lyrics “I was born to fail I was born to run” which is a quote from this song. Chris and I both bonded over the symbolic of this song.
Bill Evans - We will meet again
Bill Evans’ life was really sad. His brother committed suicide and he was a heavy drug user. He died very young, right after he wrote this song about his brother.
Joe Dassin - Et si tu n’existais pas
This song used to make me very sad but in a satisfying way. I once put it on at the office where my friend and I were working. She recently had gone through a very tragic loss of somebody she used to go out with, and she asked me turn the song off. And I felt really bad and sadness for her.