„Until The Tide Creeps In“ – so heißt das Debütalbum der Band Penelope Isles. Und genau wie die im Titel erwähnten Gezeiten, schleicht sich die Musik der Band in das Bewusstsein des Hörers. Verträumter, gitarrenlastiger Indie-Dreampop, der hier und da an große Bands wie Beach House oder Grizzly Bear erinnert. Ein Album zum Eintauchen, zum Entdecken, zum Reinfallen lassen. Die Songs sind unaufgeregt arrangiert. Die Kombination aus einfacher Rhythmusgruppe, handfester Gitarrenarbeit und dem, mal männlichen, mal weiblichen, aber immer leicht lethargischen Gesang, erzeugt ein wohliges Gefühl beim verträumten Musikfan.
Verantwortlich für dieses Gefühl sind vor allem die Geschwister Lilly und Jack Wolter. Als Lilly 13 Jahre alt war, verließ Jack, ihr älterer Bruder, das Elternhaus für sein Studium. Sechs Jahre vergingen, in denen die beiden in einer musikalischen Fernbeziehung komponierten, bis sie sich schließlich in Brighton niedergelassen haben und zusammen mit Becky Redford und Jack Sowton Penelope Isles gründeten.
Die Platte „Until The Tide Creeps In“ erschien am 12.07. auf Bella Union und damit wird die Band kommende Woche auf Tour sein. (Wir sehen uns in Leipzig!)
- Martin
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24.09.19 – Frankfurt - The Cave
25.09.19 – Dresden - Ostpol
26.09.19 – Leipzig - Noch Besser Leben
29.09.19 – Karlsruhe - P8
Radiohead - True Love Waits
True love waits. The way this song brings ‘A Moon Shaped Pool’ to an end always takes me kinda by surprise. It’s a real poignant and sad way to leave things on. I love the piano sound and how soft it feels.There is an older recording of this song which is more acoustic guitar based. I love how Radiohead often re visit older ideas.
The Beatles - In my life
But of all those friends and lovers, there is no one compares with you. This is my Dad’s favourite song. Reflecting on the people and lovers in life is both sad and lovely. I always think of Dad when this comes on. People don’t live forever and I know how sad this song will become one day.
Adrianne Lenker - A Better Time To Meet
I'm never more in love than when I’m leaving. Never want you more than when I’m gone. Touring, spending life away from home, misplacement, missing people and difficult times. I love touring more than anything but it creates holes in other places. I love this song. Adrianne’s solo songs are full of beautiful moments and tales log travelling and love. Her voice is unreal. Such a beautiful poet.
Lowly - No Hands
I’ve got no hands to prove you wrong. Label friends of ours! There is a live version of this song which is particularly moving. One of the most beautiful live sessions I've come across. Type in... Lowly, Low Four Session, No Hands. Their music and organic energy is really powerful.
Andy Shauf - Quite Like You
She said you know I’ve never really met someone like you. This was a record I fell in love the second I heard it. The song is a short tale of a boy at a party who feels sorry for a girl and thinks she should be with him and not her fella. It’s a great sounding record and the album ‘The Party’ is amazing.
Angelo De Augustine - You Needed Love. I Needed You.
I’m sorry but it’s what I had to do. You needed love, I needed you. I heard this song on the radio and it just stood out to me. Sometimes the chemistry in the sound of something just works. It’s a beautifully sad song that makes me cry every time I hear it. The recording is perfect.
John Fruciante - Song To The Siren
I’m as puzzled as a new born child, I’m as troubled as the tide. I think this is my favourite version of this song. He sings it so beautifully. ‘The Empyrean’ was one of the first records that inspired me to produce music. It’s magically put together and it’s one of my favourite sounding records ever.
Travis - The Humpty Dumpty Love Song
All of the king’s horses and all the king’s men couldn’t put my heart back together again. This was one of the first records that made me want to write songs. I had the tab and chord book as a kid and learned everything! This is the last track on the album and is a heartbreak song.
Mogwai - Hunted By A Freak
Mogwai know how to create something special with the chemistry and physics of making music. This was the first Mogwai song I ever heard and love the guitar parts in the intro. Their unique sonic sound and powerful cinematic atmosphere is always moving and make my hairs stand up on end. One of the most moving gigs I’ve seen for sure.
Tom Waits - I’m Still Here
Someone turn the lights back on. I will love you till all time is done. Heartbreaking in every way.